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Roxin Solutions LLC has worked with companies of all sizes, in all sectors, and on three continents. A selected list of past and current clients is listed below.




Health Care                             





Tacoma Division


University of Rochester 

Strong Memorial Hospital

NYS Air National Guard

Frontier Communications

ITT Industrial Systems



Alabama Air National Guard

Ginna Nuclear Power Plant

ABB Drives & Power Products

Rexam Medical Packaging

NYS Office of Mental Health



Flux Drive

National Institute of Health


City of Rochester, NY

AM&M Financial Planners

Coltech Industries




National Academy of Sciences

BCC Software

"We had the commencement program for the Pilot Group. It was a wonderful experience and each of the group brought their own individual eloquence to describe the program. Many of the presenters spoke about the value of the role-playing learning format in being able to practice and apply what they learned on an immediate basis. They are very proud of what they have been able to accomplish. The bond they feel as a team is awesome. It was the subtle benefit that we hoped we would achieve beyond the competency development. It was very helpful to them, Chuck, that your career history held many parallels to our business environment and that you could bring valid comparisons and new perspectives. They clearly felt that you were an important element in the success of the program. I am most grateful to you both for the energy and the commitment that you have brought to this endeavor. I am excited to see how each of our other groups will move through and complete the process and what their reflections will be. What a great start!  Thank you for being our partners in transforming our concepts of leadership." 

Warmest regards, 
Director of HR
ABB Drives and Power Products



"The numbers are in and there is no question that both plants are now profitable. This is a dramatic turnaround and your help was invaluable. First and foremost, your help with our strategic focus over the past years has made a difference. We made substantial progress after each strategic management retreat. Forging a strong executive team, and helping us develop a realistic and targeted action plan were also critical."  Mark Eisenhardt, General Manager



1300 West Nickerson Street

Suite 156

Seattle, WA 98119


c: 206-853-0537

© 2022  by Roxin Solutions LLC

All rights reserved

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